Used Package Boiler Ready to Ship

Industrial Package Boilers

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103,500 lbs/hr. ABCO Water Tube Boiler; 200 PSI; Super Heated

103,500 lb/hr ABCO Boiler; 200 PSI Design; Saturated Steam. Used as back-up boiler / auxiliary to cogeneration system. Produced superheated steam at 90,000 PPH and 426°F. D-Type Boiler Includes all boiler trim & valves, Coen Mod. 675 Low NOx Burner, Dual Fuel (NG / #2), with FD Fan and flue gas return; Economizer, Stack, Catwalks, Ladders and associated piping. All available documentation / drawings included. Boiler has very low hours for its lifetime serving as an auxiliary boiler for a peaking power station. Year of Mfg. 1991.

160,000 lbs/hr Rentech Boilers, Qty (2), 400 PSI, 700F Super Heat

160,000 lbs/hr Rentech Boiler, 400 PSI Design, 700°F Super-heated Steam, D-Type Boiler. Quantity (2). Includes Boiler Trim & Valves, John Zink Burner, Low NOx, Natural Gas Fuel with FD Fan, Economizer, Silencer, Stack, Catwalks, Ladders and associated piping. New in 2015.

214000 Lbs/Hr. Cleaver Brooks D-Type Water Tube Boiler; Natural Gas

214000 Lbs/Hr. Cleaver Brooks / Nebraska; Natural Gas Water Tube Boiler. Rated for 450 PSI Design Pressure; 650 F Design Temp; 360 PSI Operating Pressure; 590 F Operating Temp with 227F Feedwater Temperature.

Fuel: Natural Gas at 285mm BTU/hr. 8 to 1 Turndown. Low NOx burner. Year 2011 / Installed 2013.

Only has 80 Hours of use in service testing. Includes Deaerator; All controls; FD Fan; Economizer and Stack.

Weight: 142423 Lbs Dry

Dimensions: 42’-6.5” L x 12’-10.5” W x 15’-11” H

90,000 #/Hr Victory Boiler, 950 PSI MAWP; 650°F Superheat; Year 2018; Model VS-5-78SP-SH

90,000 #/Hr Victory Boiler, Model VS-5-78SP-SH; 837 PSIG Operating Pressure; 526°F Temperature; Year 2018 with COEN Natural Gas, Low NOx Burner. One (1) Shop Assembled Voyager Steam Generator; Heating Surface: Total 7344 Sq.Ft.; Superheater Surface: 980 Sq.Ft.; MAWP: 950 PSIG @ 650°F; Operating Pressure: 837 PSIG @ 526°F; Hydrostatic Test: 1425 PSIG. Feedwater Temperature: 227°F @ Control Valve; Fuel: Natural Gas; Installation: Outdoors; Empty Weight: 186,900 Lbs.; Flooded Weight: 232,000 Lbs.

6745 kw Siemens SST-110 Steam Turbine Generator, Year 2018

6745 kw Siemens SST-110 Steam Turbine Generator, Year 2018. Single Stage Back Pressure Turbine Design. Inlet Steam: 90,000 #/hr Steam at 850 PSI and 650 F. Exhaust Steam: 90,000 #/hr at 46 PSI and 375 F. Exhaust Steam Pressure is variable depending on process conditions. Includes: 8750 KVA AC Synchronous Generator Manufactured by TD Power Systems, Type TC150. Capacity: 7.0 MW / 13.8kV / 60 Hertz. Year 2018. System used less than one year due to complete plant closure. All controls and MCC panels are available. Desuperheater is available to control exhaust steam temperature. SPARE TURBINE ROTOR ASSEMBLY INCLUDED.

800 HP Cleaver Brooks Boiler; 150 PSI; Year 2000

800 HP Cleaver-Brooks Firetube Boiler; Model CBI-700-500-150; Year 2000; 150 PSI MAWP; Natural Gas Burner; Oil Pump; 15 HP Blower Motor, 480 V, 60 Hertz, 3-Phase. Pumps Available Separately.

74500 Lb/Hr. Nebraska Boiler Model: NS-E-66 Water Tube Boiler

74500 Lb/Hr. Nebraska Boiler Model: NS-E-66 Water Tube Boiler Design Pressure: 250 PSI Year 1993. Natural Gas Fired Boiler Sq. Ft.: 4873 Economizer and Stack Included. DA Tank and Feedwater Pumps Available Separately.

80000 Lb/Hr. Nebraska Boiler Model NS-F-72 Water Tube Boiler

80000 Lb/Hr. Nebraska Boiler Model NS-F-72 Water Tube Boiler Design Pressure: 250 PSI Year 1998. Natural Gas Fired Coen DFL-600 Burner Boiler Surface Sq.Ft.: 6474. Includes ERI Economizer Stack FD Fan and Motor. Boiler Design Capacity: 100000 Lbs/Hr. is limited by Burner / Fan size to 80000 Lb/Hr. All Available Drawings and Engineering Included. Feedwater Pumps and DA Tank Available Separately. Three (3) Identical Boilers Available as part of Complete Steam Plant.

2200 HP Superior Firetube Boiler and Economizer; Natural Gas Fired

2200 HP Superior Firetube Boiler and Economizer; Natural Gas Fired; Design Pressure: 150 PSIG. Superior Apache 2-Pass Dryback Scotch Marine Package Boiler Model 8-X-11000-S150-GPCF-G. Natural Gas firing rate IN 92,400 CFH at 1000 BTU/CF; 2200 Boiler HP (73,645 MBTU) Steam OUT ASME Nat'l Bd# 16198. A Cleaver Brooks Lo NOx < 30 ppm and 0.0364 lbs. per MMBTU burner was installed in 2015, Model LNXLG-924, serial 58734-1. Year of Manufacture: 2007. Includes controls and firing monitoring, gas train, forced draft blower, Kunkle safety valves 6x8" and 4x6" both set at 100 psig. Boiler dimensions are approx 151" w x 302" L x 153" tall. Approx overall floor space needed: 43.6 ft L x 19.3 ft W x 13.2 ft T (not including safety valves and economizer and stack). Cain economizer model RJR-166K26ALS. Stainless steel. Stack is Van-Packer Model DW 36" ID x 20'-9" long, ss304 insulated. See drawing and manual for verification. Weight empty approx 121,000 pounds. Idled 2018.

Rentech Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

WHRU – Rentech Hot Water Boiler rated for 690,000 lbs. water an hour (1,377 GPM). A combustion exhaust stream is used to heat approximately 690,000 pounds of water per hour from 170 °F to 225 °F at an ambient condition of 55 °F. Designed for use with a Solar Turbines, Taurus 70 Gas Turbine Generator.

77,000 Lb/Hr. Nebraska Boiler; MAWP: 300 PSI; Low NOx

77,000 Lb/Hr. Nebraska Boiler Model: NS-E-63; MAWP: 300 PSI; Year 1996. Low NOx Coen Burner. BMS 2000 Burner Controls. Natural Gas Fired; Water Tube Boiler Design; Surface Area: 5346 Sq. Ft.; Economizer and Stack Included. DA Tank and Feedwater Pumps Available Separately.

500 HP Cleaver Brooks Boiler; 150 PSI; Year 2003

500 HP Cleaver-Brooks Firetube Boiler; Model CBI-700-500-150; Year 2003; 150 PSI MAWP; Natural Gas Burner; Oil Pump; 15 HP Blower Motor, 480 V, 60 Hertz, 3-Phase. Economizer / Pumps Available Separately.